
Navigating The Cancer Journey

cancer journey

Cancer does not discriminate. It impacts people from all walks of life. When the road gets bumpy, it helps to have companions on the journey. SCS journeys with cancer patients at every stage of the cancer journey. The Society provides a range of assistance schemes to alleviate the financial burden of treatment costs for Singaporeans and Permanent Residents from low and middle income families.

These provide cancer patients with avenues for assistance at every stage of treatment: from pre-treatment, when they are first diagnosed with cancer, to post-treatment and beyond. Find out more about our assistance schemes below.

Cancer Care Fund

icon cancer care fund

What Is It?

The Cancer Care Fund is a one-time financial assistance scheme to alleviate the financial burden of newly-diagnosed cancer patients from low or middle income families within the first 6 months of diagnosis. 

Since the inception of this fund from 2015, more than S$5.64 million in aid was disbursed, assisting more than 6,200 patients.



Who Can Apply?

  • Singaporeans or Permanent Residents (there are exceptions for non-Resident applicants whose parents/spouse/children are Singaporeans or Permanent Residents, and reside in Singapore for a continuous period of not less than 5 years)
  • Newly-diagnosed cancer patients within the first 6 months of the date of diagnosis
  • Patients who meet the income requirements of the Blue/Orange Community Health Assist Scheme (CHAS)


Funding Assistance

Blue CHAS Card

Blue Health Assist card holders with a per capita monthly income of less than $1,500 will receive $1,000.

Orange CHAS Card

Orange Health Assist card holders with a per capital monthly income of less than $2,300 but more than $1,500 will receive $500.


Documents Required

  1. NRIC
  2. Application forms duly completed and signed
  3. CHAS card (Blue or Orange only) OR Public Assistance OR Special Grant Card
  4. Permanent Residents and non-residents without CHAS should complete the income declaration form
  5. Medical memo or certificate stating clearly the date of diagnosis (as and when appropriate)
  6. Applicant’s bank book or bank statement (for GIRO mode of payment)


How To Apply?

The necessary application forms may be found at the link. Please approach your doctor or medical social worker to complete and submit your application forms, and then send them to welfare@singaporecancersociety.org.sg. Alternatively, you may contact us for more information.