Download Financial Report 2023
  Year 2019
Year 2020
Year 2021
Year 2022

Year 2023

% Increase/ (Decrease)
(Year 2022 on Year 2021)
Donations in Cash            
- Tax Deductible 10,959  10,901 13,276 12,076 12,996 8%
- Non Tax Deductible 4,012 2,813 3,461 4,251 4,246 0%
Donations in Kind            
- Tax Deductible - - - - - -
- Non Tax Deductible 1,252 821 728 1,940 967 -50%
Grants/ Sponsorship 2,869 907 894 2,234 5,699 155%
Investment Income 1,850 1,847 1,515 1,692 3,303 95%
Investment Gains - - - - - -
Others 705 2,569 24,110 3,197 3,154 -1%
Total Income 21,647 19,858 43,984 25,391 30,365 20%
Direct Fund-raising Expenses 266 169 357 438 1,741 297%
Charitable Activities Expenses            
- Local 18,352 16,892 18,296 22,043 22,159 1%
- Overseas - - - - -
Other Operating & Administration Expenses 581 590 885 784 1,076 37%
Others - - - - - -
Total Expenditure 19,199 17,650 19,538 23,265 24,976 7%
Surplus/(Deficit) 2,448 2,208 24,446 2,126 5,389 153%
Statement of Financial Position Assets            
Land and Building - - - - - -
Other Tangible Assets 930 871 1,167 1,156 3,704 220%
Investment 45,167 47,532 45,142 63,610 70,297 11%
Inventories - - - - - -
Accounts Receivables 1,698 2,859 1,591 1,001 1,502 50%
Cash & Deposits 31,069 30,869 63,644 45,382 45,458 0%
Others 895 639 706 479 634 32%
Non-current assets held for sale 1,402 1,402 -  -  - -
Total Assets 81,161 84,173 112,250 111,627 121,595 9%
Unrestricted Funds            
General Fund 47,058 48,457 50,235 51,842 58,574 13%
Revaluation Reserve 280 1,622 313 (4,095) (1,846) -55%
Adelina Then Fund -         -
Cancer Treatment Fund 6,459 5,913 4,816 3,994 3,485 -13%
Cervical Cancer Prevention fund -         -
Community Silver Trust Fund 17,503 19,081 20,185 21,456 20,226 -6%
SCS Strategic Development Fund - - 22,479 22,479 22,479 0%
Total Unrestricted Funds 71,300 75,073 98,028 195,675 102,918 -47%
Restricted Funds            
Terry Fox Run/Run for Hope Fund 744 274 279 166 312 88%
Chan Shu Fang Joan Fund -          
Koh Soh Eng Fund -          
Movember Fund 1,884 2,130 2,308 2,491 2,739 10%
Endowment Fund 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 -
Total Restricted Funds 3,628 3,404 3,587 3,657 4,051 11%
Total Funds 74,928 78,477 101,615 99,331 106,969 8%
Current Liabilities 6,220 5,558 10,530 12,233 13,905 14%
Non-Current Liabilities 13 138 105 63 721 1044%
Total Liabilities 6,233 5,696 10,635 12,296 14,626 19%
Total Funds and Liabilities 81,161 84,173 112,250 111,627 121,595 9%
Other Information            
Donations, Grants and Sponsorships given to other Charities (S$000) - - - - - -
No. of Employees 103 101 106 107 109 2%
Total Employee Costs (S$000) 8,023 8,013 8,949 10,395 11,523 11%
Total Related Party Transactions (S$000) - - -   - -
Fund-raising Efficiency 1 : 19.30 1 : 16.10 1 : 15.30 1 : 26.70 1: 22.00 -
Ratio of Reserves to Annual Operating expenditure 2.47 : 1 2.84 : 1 2.41 : 1 2.02 : 1 2.27 : 1 -