Dr Intan Azura Mokhtar
Intan Azura Mokhtar is Associate Professor in the Business, Communication and Design Cluster, and Director of the Community Leadership and Social Innovation Centre (CLASIC) at the Singapore Institute of Technology, which is Singapore’s 5th autonomous university that is focused on applied learning. Intan has more than 20 years of teaching experience, nineteen years of which are at the university level. Intan has taught courses and modules related to social context and change management; social innovation and sustainable development; community, school and change leadership; educational technology; critical inquiry; and information and media literacy, for both Undergraduate and Masters degree programs, as well as executive programs. Intan has published widely on the above topics and has more than 80 publications to her name. Intan has been extensively involved in public policy making in Singapore, having been a legislator and Member of Parliament in the 12th and 13th Parliament of Singapore, and Deputy Chairperson of the Singapore Government Parliamentary Committee (GPC) for Education, as well as a member of the GPCs for Manpower and Transport, from 2011-2020. Intan is a recent recipient of the Fulbright US-ASEAN Visiting Scholar Award 2023-2024, where she will spend 2 months at UC Berkeley, CA, and 2 months at Brown University, RI, to do her project on success factors for social innovation initiatives in higher education institutions (HEIs) in the US and Southeast Asia.